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Powerful Heavenly Entities Guide Your Fate in the World of Moonsoon!

Moonsoon is a brand new 5th edition campaign setting. Ready for exploration and adventure and filled with rich characters, breathtaking landscapes and the powerful influence of 12 celestial moons that will be your guides on your journey for glory. 

Coming soon on Kickstarter. Containing absolutely everything you need to explore this massive new world!

Product Overview:

  • 3 Hardcover 5e Core Books 

  • 1 Ready to Play Hardcover 5e Campaign Book

  • 84 Tarot Card Moon Deck 

  • 12 Sets of Liquid Core Moon Dice

  • 120+ Premium Hero & Creature STLs

  • And much more!


Checkout our Prelaunch page to learn more, follow the project and become a VIP!